Call for Applications: Community-Led Seed Grants

Funding Summary

AHW’s Call for Applications: Community-Led Seed Grants supports community-MCW academic partnerships to design new strategies, test innovative ideas, and foster greater collaboration to build a foundation for future endeavors to address Wisconsin’s leading health challenges and produce deeper impact on health and health equity in Wisconsin’s communities. Applicants may request up to $50,000 for projects completed within a 12-month period, beginning Jan. 1, 2024.

To foster a collaborative approach to award selection, applicants will participate in a peer review process to assess proposals submitted to this funding opportunity by their fellow applicants. For the submitted application to be considered for funding, completion of all assigned reviews is required.

Schedule a Pre-Application Consultation

AHW highly encourages interested applicants to connect with our team to discuss your project idea. Our goal is to help you.

Reach out to Benjamin Martinez with AHW's grants management team today!

Application and Review Process Timeline

July-Aug. 2023: Consult with AHW to review proposed project scope and fit with the call for applications

By Aug. 28, 2023: Share draft application with AHW for feedback

Sept. 11, 2023 (required): Applications due by 5:00 p.m. CDT via the online application form

Within three business days of signature request (required): Electronic signatures due from key personnel via an AHW-initiated DocuSign process

Sept. 22-Oct. 18, 2023 (required): Review process via online review platform

Nov. 2023: Notification of funding decisions

Jan. 1, 2024: Project start date 

Funding Opportunity Overview

Hear from AHW Director Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld about this exciting funding opportunity for community-led partnerships.

Additional Resources

Funding Requirements

Application Logistics

Peer Review