Call for Applications: MCW-Led Momentum Grants

Funding Summary

AHW’s MCW-Led Momentum Grants support eligible MCW collaborative teams to pursue new paths of research, develop innovative programs and resources to advance Wisconsin’s current or future health workforce, and conduct research to inform policy and practice to advance health and health equity in Wisconsin. Successful projects will engage a collaborative team of investigators to demonstrate impact on the identified health need during the project period. Applicants may request up to $250,000 for projects completed within a 24-month period, beginning July 1, 2025.

Application Resources

Key Documents and Links

Download Call for Applications (PDF) 

Download Application Template (Word) 

Review Funded Project Terms and Conditions (PDF)

Schedule a Pre-Application Consultation

AHW highly encourages interested applicants to connect with our team to discuss your project idea. Our goal is to help you. Reach out to AHW's grants management team today!

Application and Review Process Timeline

Sept.-Oct. 2024: Consult with AHW to review proposed project scope and fit with the call for applications

By Oct. 21, 2024: Share draft Letter of Intent (LOI) application with AHW for feedback

Nov. 4, 2024 (required): LOI due by 5 p.m. CDT via the online application form

Within three business days of email request for signatures (required): Electronic signatures due from key personnel via an AHW-initiated DocuSign process

Jan. 2025: Full proposal notifications sent to select applicants

March 3, 2025 (required): Full proposal applications due (invited applicants only)

May 2025: Notification of funding decisions and award initiation processes for projects approved for funding

July 1, 2025: Project start date

Funding Opportunity Overview

Hear from AHW Director Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld about this exciting funding opportunity for MCW-led partnerships.

Additional Resources

Funding Requirements

Application Logistics
