Landmark Initiative: Hypertension Control
AHW's Hypertension Control Landmark Initiative
1.4 million adults in Wisconsin have hypertension. Of these, less than half have achieved blood pressure control. One study of blood pressure control rates across states ranks Wisconsin last (i.e., lowest control rate among 50 states). The result is thousands of preventable strokes, heart attacks, and premature deaths in our state.
Through this Landmark Initiative, AHW seeks to tap medical, community, and public health partners to identify and implement effective interventions to educate and motivate people with high blood pressure to successfully monitor and manage their disease.
Sign up to receive information about AHW’s Hypertension Control Landmark Initiative

Calls for applications for funding for projects specifically geared toward AHW’s Hypertension Control Landmark Initiative will appear here and on AHW’s Funding Opportunities page. Projects focused on hypertension control are also invited during any and all open AHW grant opportunities.
Funded Projects
Childhood Behavioral Health

Feature 1
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Feature 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac luctus nisi, porta molestie nunc. Pellentesque posuere mollis est, nec fermentum mauris pellentesque eget. Nulla faucibus orci eget neque facilisis elementum

Feature 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac luctus nisi, porta molestie nunc. Pellentesque posuere mollis est, nec fermentum mauris pellentesque eget. Nulla faucibus orci eget neque facilisis elementum