Reviewer Opportunities


Throughout the year, the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (AHW) invites Wisconsin-based individuals with a broad range of expertise to apply to serve as merit reviewers for a variety of funding opportunities. Desired expertise varies based on review panel, but includes health and science researchers, health care providers, and community and public health practitioners, including MCW faculty and staff and community leaders from across the state.

Reviewers from agencies and organizations external to the Medical College of Wisconsin are paid for their service as merit reviewers, with the exact amount varying based on the merit review service requested. Employees of MCW or members of AHW’s oversight bodies are not eligible for payment related to proposal review.

Current Opportunities

The Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (AHW) is actively seeking Wisconsin-based merit reviewers for competitive application processes. AHW is looking to engage community leaders, Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) faculty, and MCW staff with experience ranging from health and science researchers, health care providers, and community and public health practitioners.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have Another Question?

We're here to help. For questions or further information regarding this call for reviewers, please contact us by submitting a consultation request form.

Image: (c) Adam Shea Photography