Wisconsin Grants to Improve Health
AHW regularly issues requests for applications (RFAs) for funding. We do not accept unsolicited proposals.
The following section includes open RFAs for grant awards, or RFAs that will be opening in the future.
- Learning Event Support
- 2024 Seed Grants
- Maternal and Child Health Equity
- 2024 Momentum Grants
- MCW Academic Partner Opportunity
- NAM Fellowship to Advance State Health Policy
- 2025 Seed Grants
- 2025 Momentum Grants
- 2025 Health Workforce Well-Being Opportunity
Learning Event Support
How can Wisconsin’s health workforce engage in opportunities to build knowledge, skills, and connections?
AHW’s Learning Event Support funding opportunity aims to improve the health of the people of our state by advancing Wisconsin’s health workforce to be increasingly more accessible, equipped, and representative to improve health for all Wisconsin residents.
Funding will support Wisconsin-based learning events that build knowledge, skills, and networks among current Wisconsin-based health professionals and the next generation of leaders to explore new ideas that can be applied to their work to improve health in Wisconsin communities.
Eligible applicants may request up to $5,000 in funding to support direct, event-specific expenses. Learning event support awards are limited to one award per event.
- Up to $100,000 is available to support up to 20 community-led grants hosted by eligible organizations. Learning events must be hosted by an eligible Wisconsin-based 501
3 or 501(c)
6 organization, or a Wisconsin government-based entity or organization. The host organization must have an EIN number and will be responsible for the fiduciary and reporting requirements of the AHW project and project budget.
- $200,000 in funding is available to support up to 40 MCW-led learning events hosted by MCW faculty.
Successful applications will:
- Describe a key learning gap that the event aims to address
- Identify a targeted group of learning event participants that make up Wisconsin’s current or future health workforce, and how they will put the skills and knowledge they gain into action to advance health and/or health equity in the state.
- Up to $100,000 is available to support up to 20 community-led grants hosted by eligible organizations. Learning events must be hosted by an eligible Wisconsin-based 501
2024 Seed Grants
The Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment is offering seed grants up to $50,000 for projects that lay the groundwork for future, larger endeavors to address a health need or fill a gap in knowledge or practice affecting the health of people and communities in the state. Funding is available for Wisconsin-based community-led partnerships with Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) researchers and MCW-led projects, including research conducted by MCW post-doctoral researchers.
AHW has allocated $1 million for this funding opportunity for community-led partnerships with MCW researchers and $2 million for MCW-led projects, including post-doc awards. Funded projects must be completed during a 12-month period beginning on Jan. 1, 2024.
Support for Maternal and Child Health Equity
Application Deadline: 5:00 PM CST on March 6, 2023
Funding has been made available to the Medical College of Wisconsin through the U.S. American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) that is being administered by the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment to support improvements in Maternal and Child Health Equity.
Grant funding is available to Wisconsin-based non-profit hospitals/health systems, federally qualified health centers, and other non-profit entities to develop and implement strategies to address mechanisms by which social determinants impact Wisconsin's significant disparities in maternal and child health outcomes.
Funding will be provided to community organizations to leverage their expertise in maternal and child health equity and to create an opportunity to grow infrastructure and impact while establishing sustainability. Applicants may apply for up to $250,000 in support for projects to be completed within an 18-month period.
Projects should align with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (WI DHS) Advancing Equity in Maternal and Child Health program priorities:
- Social determinants of health, such as food security, affordable housing, employment, and social connections
- Mental well-being
- Building responsive and equitable healthcare systems (for example, training providers or health systems on the role of doulas and community health workers)
- Perinatal workforce development
- Connecting families to information and resources (targeted community outreach or education campaigns related to the above priority topics)
Additional Proposal Considerations
- All applications must clearly demonstrate how the proposed project will positively contribute to impacting health and/or health equity in Wisconsin in the long-term
- Funds will be accommodated through a cost-reimbursement model
- No-cost extensions are not expected but in certain situations may be considered with prior notification and approval
- It is not the intent of these funds to be used as bridge funding
February 2023: RFA released, consultation available upon request
March 6, 2023: Applications due by 5:00 PM CST via the online application form
March 2023: Review process via online review platform
April 10, 2023: Notification of funding decisions and contract initiation
July 1, 2023: Projects begin
December 31, 2024: Project End Date
Download Call for Applications [PDF]
Schedule Pre-Application Consult
AHW highly encourages interested applicants to connect with our team to discuss your project idea. Contact Christina Ellis at cellis@mcw.edu.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to apply for this funding opportunity?
The primary community partner organization or sponsor is responsible for the fiduciary and reporting requirements of the project and project budget. Eligible community organizations must be Wisconsin-based, and meet one of the following criteria:
- Municipal, Tribal, County, Governmental entity or school district
- Nonprofit, nongovernmental organization with current 501
3 or 501(c)
6 tax-exempt status registered with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions conducting operations in Wisconsin and has an administrative presence in Wisconsin, in operation since at least January 1, 2019 and have one of the following statuses as of the RFA deadline date: “in good standing”, “restored to good standing”, “incorporated/qualified/registered”, “organized”, or “registered” - Sponsored by a Wisconsin-based government, nonprofit, or nongovernmental organization with 501
3 or 501(c)
6 status. The sponsor relationship must be in place at the time the application is submitted, and the sponsor must meet the eligibility requirements. The sponsor must also be a signatory on the application and complete the attestation and other forms required in the RFA.
What types of projects are eligible?
Projects should align with WI DHS Advancing Equity in Maternal and Child Health program priorities:
- Social determinants of health, such as food security, affordable housing, employment, and social connections
- Mental well-being
- Building responsive and equitable healthcare systems (for example, training providers or health systems on the role of doulas and community health workers)
- Perinatal workforce development
- Connecting families to information and resources (targeted community outreach or education campaigns related to the above priority topics)
Successful applications will describe their existing efforts, experience, and expertise aligned with the proposed scope of work and plans for sustainability.
What are allowable expenses under this funding opportunity?
This award utilizes funds issued from the Department of Treasury (American Rescue Plan/ARPA) and uses a cost-reimbursement model. Only costs that are directly attributable to specific work under a grant or the normal administration of the grant are allowable for reimbursement. Costs that result in personal benefit are not allowable. Funds provided under this agreement shall be used to supplement or expand the Grantee’s efforts, not to replace or allow for the release of available Grantee funds for alternative uses.
Funds can be used for Salary and Fringe; Program Operations and Activities; Equipment; Events; Travel, Training, and Lodging; Food for Community Meetings/Activities; Participant incentives. Facilities and Administrative Costs/Indirect costs are allowable and should be included in the project budget if being requested. Applicants may request their federally negotiated rate if they have one and must include with their application a copy of their rate agreement. If no federally negotiated rate exists, applicants may request the de minimis rate of 10%.
See 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart E: (https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-2/subtitle-A/chapter-II/part-200/subpart-E/subject-group-ECFRd93f2a98b1f6455/section-200.414)
Funds may not be used for:
- Projects conducted outside of Wisconsin
- Debt reduction
- Entertainment or alcoholic beverages
- Lobbying
- Academic research studies
How does my partnership submit our application?
Applications will be accepted only through the official online application form. No paper or emailed applications will be accepted. Applicants must answer all required fields and follow the restrictions set within the online form.Applications are due by 5:00 PM CST on March 6, 2023. Late applications will not be accepted.
How are funding determinations made for submitted applications?
All applications will undergo a technical review to ensure that all requirements are met.Applications that pass technical review will advance to the merit review process. Reviewers will provide scores and comments based on the following criteria:
- Demonstrates the potential to positively impact maternal and child health and health equity in Wisconsin, either as a direct result of project activities or over the long-term
- Describes innovative approaches and planned evaluation or assessment to directly inform future efforts to advance maternal and child health and/or health equity in the long-term
The proposed project:
- Demonstrates the potential to positively impact maternal and child health and health equity in Wisconsin, either as a direct result of project activities or over the long-term
- Describes innovative approaches and planned evaluation or assessment to directly inform future efforts to advance maternal and child health and/or health equity in the long-term
- Social determinants of health, such as food security, affordable housing, employment, and social connections
2024 Momentum Grants
The Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment is offering grants of up to $250,000 for community health projects, health-focused research, and health workforce development initiatives designed to address pressing health challenges in Wisconsin. Funding is available for Wisconsin-based community-led partnerships with Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) collaborators and MCW-led research teams.
Eligible organizations for AHW’s Community-Led Momentum Grants are Wisconsin-based 501(
)3 and 501(c
)6 nonprofits as well as Wisconsin-based government entities. AHW has allocated $6 million for this funding opportunity for community-led partnerships with MCW collaborators, allowing up to 24 awards at the maximum grant amount.AHW has allocated $4.5 million for MCW-Led Momentum Grants, allowing for up to 18 awards at the maximum funding level.
MCW Academic Partner Opportunity
To effectively support strong community-MCW academic partnerships to carry out funded Community-Led Seed Grants, AHW is seeking eligible MCW faculty ready to serve as MCW Principal Investigators (PIs) with pre-defined key roles on funded Community-Led Seed Grants based on the community-identified need for the academic partner and the MCW faculty member’s interest and expertise. MCW faculty key roles may include:
Implementation partner: supporting on-the-ground project implementation, engaging closely with the community partner to carry out the community-driven implementation plan included in the approved community-led proposal.
Health-related content expert: lending expertise in a specific health-related area in alignment with the focus of the community-led project. Expertise and insight shared may support the community to more effectively implement, evaluate, and sustain their work.
Evaluation-related partner: supporting the community partner to develop evaluation plans and materials for the community-driven work included in the approved community-led proposal to demonstrate success of their efforts.
Data collection and analysis partner: actively engaging in data collection and analysis in alignment with the community-driven work included in the approved community-led proposal, such as by leading focus groups or survey efforts.
Policy and systems change partner: serving as a thought partner to the community, supporting idea generation and non-lobbying advocacy efforts to inform policy and systems change beyond the project period and as a result of the community-driven work included in the approved community-led proposal.
To learn more about this opportunity, click the link below.
NAM Fellowship to Advance State Health Policy
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (the National Academies) bring together the most eminent researchers, policy experts, and clinicians from across the country to work together to provide nonpartisan, scientific, and evidence-based advice to national, state, and local policymakers; academic leaders; health care administrators; and the public.
The National Academies are uniquely qualified to offer an exceptional learning environment to selected early-career health science scholars and future leaders in medicine and public health. With funding from the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment at the Medical College of Wisconsin, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) Fellowship to Advance State Health Policy was established under the NAM Fellowship program.
The overall purpose of the NAM Fellowship to Advance State Health Policy is to provide talented, early-career health science scholars from Wisconsin with the opportunity to experience and participate in evidence-based healthcare or public health studies that improve the care and access to care of patients in domestic and global health care systems.
The program especially welcomes nominations of historically underrepresented candidates. Individuals with residence in the state of Wisconsin are eligible for the program.
2025 Seed Grants
The Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment is offering seed grants up to $50,000 for projects that lay the groundwork for future, larger endeavors to address a health need or fill a gap in knowledge or practice affecting the health of people and communities in the state. Funding is available for Wisconsin-based community-led partnerships and MCW-led projects, including research conducted by MCW post-doctoral researchers.
AHW has allocated $1 million for this funding opportunity for community-led partnerships with MCW researchers and $2 million for MCW-led projects, including post-doc awards. Funded projects must be completed during a 12-month period beginning on Jan. 1, 2025.
2025 Momentum Grants
The Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment is offering grants of up to $250,000 for community health projects, health-focused research, and health workforce development initiatives designed to address pressing health challenges in Wisconsin. Funding is available for Wisconsin-based community-led partnerships with Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) collaborators and MCW-led research teams.
Eligible organizations for AHW’s Community-Led Momentum Grants are Wisconsin-based 501(
)3 and 501(c
)6 nonprofits as well as Wisconsin-based government entities. AHW has allocated $6 million for this funding opportunity for community-led partnerships with MCW collaborators, allowing up to 24 awards at the maximum grant amount.AHW has allocated $4.5 million for MCW-Led Momentum Grants, allowing for up to 18 awards at the maximum funding level.
Health Workforce Well-Being Funding Opportunity
As one of AHW’s three Landmark Initiatives, the Health Workforce Well-Being initiative will aim to address the ongoing challenges and opportunities related to the well-being of Wisconsin’s health workforce.
AHW’s Health Workforce Well-Being Grants funding opportunity supports community-driven efforts to conduct initial exploration, develop effective strategies and interventions, and test innovative ideas to serve as foundational components to AHW’s Health Workforce Well-Being Landmark Initiative. Collectively, these efforts will help lead to programs, services, and interventions to sustainably and meaningfully improve the well-being of our health workforce here in Wisconsin.

Schedule a Pre-Application Consultation
Want to learn more about our funding opportunities?
The following resources will assist grant seekers in understanding the mission and goals of AHW.
- AHW’s Five-Year Plan
- Areas of Focus
- Supplanting Criteria
- Allowable Costs
- Application Tips
- Get in Touch
AHW’s Five-Year Plan
Since 2004, we have worked to improve the health of the people of Wisconsin by serving as a catalyst for positive change in the health of communities statewide. We invest in high-impact solutions, connect communities to researchers and educators to improve impact, and influence how partners can collaboratively move networks and ideas into action.
We are committed to a more involved philanthropic approach to actively help to shape the solutions to improve Wisconsin’s health. During the five-year period of 2024-2028, we aim to move the needle on Wisconsin’s health through our investments and changemaking roles, while looking to strengthen our commitment to address the determinants of health that lead to poor health outcomes and unacceptable health disparities.
This five-year plan lays out how we will build on the efforts and experiences of the past to achieve greater results for the future. It is our strategic roadmap for improving health for everyone in every corner of our state.
Areas of Focus
AHW advances health and health equity in Wisconsin by investing in promising biomedical research, supporting community health initiatives, and building the health workforce needed by Wisconsin. Our mission to maximize health in Wisconsin centers around three focus areas:
Public and Community Health Improvement Health Workforce Education and Development Health-Focused Research -
Supplanting Criteria
By order of the Commissioner of Insurance, AHW funds “may not be used to supplant funds or resources that are available from other sources.”
The MCW Consortium is required to report annually on whether AHW funds are being supplanted.
To determine compliance, the partners must certify that no financial resources will be supplanted and provide a complete listing of current funding sources for the project, or similar current or prior projects. Those materials help AHW make an accurate assessment of whether resources are being supplanted versus leveraged.
The following criteria are used to make the determination.
Closely related projects or uses and financial resources for related projects or uses. All related projects and uses and financial resources for such related projects and uses should be identified and considered.
Sources of financial resources for the project or use. Financial support provided by a governmental source for a project or use within the three-year period prior to the date of the application or submittal should be identified. Financial support provided by a source other than a governmental source and other than the Funds for a project or use within the two-year period prior to the date of the application or submission should be identified.
Availability of federal funding.
Availability of state funding. Consideration should be made with respect to programs for which state funding has been or may be reduced due to budget cutbacks. Consideration should be made with respect to governmental mandated programs without governmental funding.
Availability of College corporate funding. College corporate funds are derived from tuition, the academic enrichment fund assessment on clinical revenue, facilities and administrative fees paid under federal grants, investment income on working capital, and unrestricted philanthropy. Consideration should be made whether College corporate funds are available. Expenditures of College corporate funds for a project or use during the two-year period immediately prior to the application or submission for financial support by the Funds should be identified.
Availability of community funding. Sources of community funds will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Community financial support for a project or use provided during the two-year period immediately prior to the application or submission for financial support by the Funds should be identified.
Availability of matching funds; opportunities for leveraging. Supplemental uses and limited term funding will be factors in the consideration process. Matching funding and opportunities to leverage the Funds to obtain other funding are to be encouraged.
Other factors deemed significant by the Dean and Executive Vice President, the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, or the MCW Consortium.
Allowable Costs
There are a number of cost considerations that remain critical throughout the funding period.
AHW reviews award budgets and all post-award changes for compliance with the governing cost principles and other requirements and policies that apply to the type of award.
The decision of whether a proposed cost is allowable or unallowable is based on the grantee’s ability to specifically associate the cost with the project, rather than on the nature of the goods or services.
Allowable Expenses are direct expenses that are project-specific and included in the approved AHW project budget.
Unallowable Expenses are expenses that may not be incurred using AHW funds, including any indirect expenses such as expenses related to the normal operating functions of the organization.
The following criteria apply to all expenses:
Failure to mention a specific cost category does not imply it is either allowable or unallowable.
All purchased materials and supplies must be consumable during the life of the project.
Expenses must be demonstrated to be totally or incrementally incurred as a direct association to the approved project aims and objectives.
Expenses using AHW funds may not supplant (replace) funds or resources that are available from other sources.
Sales Tax - Given the nonprofit, tax-exempt status of Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) and AHW Endowment’s partner organizations, sales tax will generally not be reimbursed. To practice appropriate stewardship and maximize the impact of AHW funds, partners should avoid incurring sales tax on purchases.
See our full list of allowable and non-allowable expenses here.
Application Tips
AHW uses an online grants management system that is designed to streamline and simplify the application process. We process all applications through our online system, and do not accept paper or emailed applications. Application links are posted to each open funding opportunity's webpage, as each opportunity has a unique application.
AHW regularly issues requests for applications (RFAs) for funding awards and encourages all interested, eligible teams to consider applying for an open funding opportunity. We seek partners who share our belief that by working together we can build a healthier Wisconsin today, and for generations to come.
When your team is ready to apply, consider the following tips to develop and submit your online application:
Building a collaborative application: For many funding opportunities, AHW provides a Word document version of the online application to allow project partners to collaborate in writing the application. We recommend you use this sample document to craft your application, then designate one individual to enter the final application information into the online application form.
Saving your work: By entering your email address and password, you can save your work and return to complete it. NOTE: Only one individual from the applicant team should begin and complete an application.
Formatting the online application: AHW’s online application form has character limits that are listed in the sample document. Pay attention to the character limits when copying and pasting information into the online application, as the system will only accept text at the set limit. Special formatting such as colors, bold, underline, or italics will not be captured. In addition, images or tables are not allowed. Please double-check your information before submission. You will receive an error message if all required fields are not filled.
Adding approval signatures: Following submission, signatures will be required from key individuals listed in the application in order to indicate their awareness and support of the application. Following application submission, each individual will receive an email with instructions to complete and submit their signature via DocuSign. Required signatures must be submitted by the signature deadline in order to advance the application to the merit review stage.
Get in Touch
The AHW team is here to help! If you have questions about whether your project idea aligns with an AHW funding opportunity, identifying an eligible partner to join your project team, or submitting an online application, request a pre-application consultation with a member of the AHW team.
Are you an MCW faculty member interested in learning about AHW’s MCW-led funding opportunities? Reach out to request a pre-application consultation with a member of the AHW team.